The ingredients for any successful hunting trip involve going to an area with many animals and low hunting pressure. That's what the vast tracts of wilderness in Northwestern Ontario offer bear hunters. With a huntable land area of around 50,000 square miles and many professional outfitters to choose from, Sunset Country is one of the better destinations in Ontario to hunt black bears. These outfitters manage what are called Bear Management Areas (BMAs) with each BMA having several active and regularly-tended bait sites. You can hunt in Sunset Country during the spring or fall and choose archery or rifle. Many fall hunters combine their bear hunt with grouse as a secondary species and of course, many also enjoy the spectacular fishing we offer.
Bear hunting in Ontario is regulated by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) which sets the rules hunters and outfitters must follow. The rules are in place to help the Ministry regulate the harvest, especially the protection of sows with cubs, so it is important to know the rules and regulations for bear hunting in Ontario, Canada. Once you know the rules and as long as you follow them, you can hunt with confidence and no hassles from the authorities. The MNR estimates the population of black bears in the Province to be over 75,000 animals so that is a good number, meaning your chances of success are high.