Red Lake, Ontario is a full-service community. Are you going to be fishing in Red Lake? If your boat needs servicing or any parts, there are marinas that can help you. There are gas stations and convenience stores, accountants, insurance brokers, postal outlets, laundromats and more. The airlines and air services in Red Lake can get you to your destination. If you need help arranging your travel arrangements to Sunset Country, call one of the Travel Agents in Red Lake, they'd gladly help you set up your trip.

Services in Red Lake, Ontario, Canada
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Even though Red Lake is at the end of Highway 105, there's still lots of services!
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Hospitals and Health Services:
The Red Lake District and Ear Falls are well served by a broad range of Primary Health Services. The community is appropriately staffed and well-equipped in order to respond to all basic health care needs. Some secondary services are available either through local providers or visiting specialists. Some of the visiting specialties include Orthopedics, Pediatrics, General Surgery, Cardiology, and Psychiatry.
Medical Facilities include:
- Red Lake Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital, located on Highway 105, just at the entrance to Red Lake (807-727-2231).
- Northwestern Health Unit is located on Discovery Rd. Red Lake Medical Clinic, located across the parking lot from the hospital (807-727-2617)
- Two Dentists provide general dental care in Red Lake.
- The Red Lake/Ear Falls Ambulance Service has two bases, one in each community. Red Lake (807-727-3100), Ear Falls (807-222-3400).
- Northwood Lodge, located adjacent to the hospital, provides nursing supervision and physician coverage for the elderly (807-727-2323).
- Community Counselling and Addiction Services provides Mental Health counselling to individuals 18 years and older. Substance Abuse and Problem Gambling assessment and counselling is also available to people 12 years and older. Other services include Older Adult Mental Health Services and Community Education. Free and confidential services are provided in Red Lake and Ear Falls. For more information, or to arrange an appointment, call (807) 727-1100.
The Red Lake area is fortunate to be serviced by excellent facilities, very well qualified staff and a wide range of programming and services, provided by both a public and a separate school system.
Both boards of Education have been able to organize their schools in order that class sizes are advantageous to the students' progress. Staff is assigned to assist special needs students, assessment services are provided and innovative programming initiatives have been repeatedly demonstrated.
St. John's Separate School (727-2365).
Red Lake-Madsen Public School (727-2331).
Golden Learning Centre (727-2088).
Red Lake District High School (727-2092).
District Life Long Learning Centre (727-3267)
Covenant Christian School (727-3970).
Northern Eagle High School - Ear Falls (222-3777)
Keewatin District School Board