Fri Sep 5 Annual Bassin’ for Bucks Tournament - Sioux Narrows
This is a three-day fishing tournament in beautiful Sioux Narrows which has prizes awarded daily with additional tournament prizes. Additional prizes example are the Copperfin Credit Union Youth Award which is $500.00 to the team with one angler 16 years of age or younger having the highest aggregate weight, the Crystal Harbour 100 Plus Award which is $400.00 to the team whose combined ages are 100 plus having the highest aggregate weight, and the Lund Boat Prize which is $500 to the team driving a lund with the most weight in the top 20 and $500 to the team driving a lund with the most weight under the top 20. See their website for a complete list of prizes each year.
Great fun for youth and adult anglers. Join in for the roast beef awards dinner after the tournament.
Visit Event Website